• Image stitch of snow environment projections on BG hills used across sequence.

    Image stitch of snow environment projections on BG hills used across sequence.

Game of Thrones (2015)

Atomic Fiction

Visual Effects

Director: David Nutter

Season 5 Ep 9: compositing, sequence environment technical direction for BG snow projections on hills, FG snow look development.

A panoramic matte painting element was projected from a single 3D camera across Lidar geometry representing all background hills. This automated the addition of more background snow across the entire sequence, instead of needing to handle it on a per-shot basis. Optically convincing integration of the fire in the plate photography was required to sell it.

In addition, a recipe for foreground swirling snow was layered across multiple shots with care taken that it was interactively illuminated by the photographed fire.